David Mulumba
Career Highs
Points | Rebounds | Assists | Blocks | Steals | 3PT |
10 | 5 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 1 |
2024-25 Season Averages
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Game Stats
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Recent In Game Achievements
Event Profiles
EBC Arizona 2022
David is a slasher and excellent on-ball defender. He loves to get his hands in the passing lanes which disrupts the opponents offense and leads to steals.
- Energy
- Slashing
- On Ball Defense
Improvement Areas:
- Sharpshooter
- Passing
EBC Arizona 2020
David constantly gives all of his energy on both sides of the floor. He's a crafty guard and quick on both sides of the floor.
- 3 Pt. Shooter
- High IQ
- Mid-Range
Improvement Areas:
- Rebounding
- Help Defense