Paxton Brown
An athlete can be no older than 8 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2016 - Present
9UAn athlete can be no older than 9 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2015 - Present
10UAn athlete can be no older than 10 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2014 - Present
11UAn athlete can be no older than 11 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2013 - Present
12UAn athlete can be no older than 12 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2012 - Present
13UAn athlete can be no older than 13 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2011 - Present
14UAn athlete can be no older than 14 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2010 - Present
Class: | 2030 |
Height: | 4' 10" |
Hometown: | San Tan Valley, AZ |
Club Team: | AZ Gym Rats |
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